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AJ Brown Twitter vs 94.1 WIP

Breakdown: AJ Brown Twitter Account vs Philly Sports Talk Radio 94.1 WIP

The Twitter account that is supposed to be AJ Brown vs 94.1 WIP is quite the conundrum. 

On one hand, you have your classic “diva” NFL wide receiver blended with the problems of social media that nearly every regular person in their mid-20’s deals with on a daily basis.

As someone who is in their mid-30’s and works in digital marketing while also creating this website, I think it’s fair to say that I am pretty “in-tune” with social media and the internet in general.

However, this entire AJ Brown thing has my brain in a blender and I think his execution (or lack thereof) is the reason why. Brown desperately needs to attend a summer session at “Joel Embiid’s School of Social Media Trolling’.

Let’s start with the AJ Brown Tweet from yesterday, first one posted on his account Feb. 11th

AJ Brown Twitter Account

Initially, I saw the tweet and as I’ve thought on countless occasions throughout the Philadelphia Eagles season, the majority of professional athletes no matter how dominant they are in their respective sport, really have trouble in the “age of social media” and handling criticism from random people on the internet.

AJ Brown is obviously no stranger to this. He has a long history of deactivating and reactivating his social media accounts, deleting any reference to the Philadelphia Eagles, while also getting into arguments with people that in all honesty, don’t deserve the time of day given the fact that Brown is one of the most dominant wide receivers in the entire NFL today.

Brown also went “Zero Dark Thirty” on the media in early January as the Eagles were in the midst of a historic collapse to close out the 2023-24 regular season. He also got hurt the final week of the regular season playing against the New York Giants, was ruled out of the NFC Wild Card Game against the Buccaneers and instead of attending the game in Tampa, was pictured in Atlantic City watching UFC fights in the stands.

So yeah, there’s plenty of reasons why AJ Brown can’t just automatically be considered the source of truth in any situation when dealing with the internet and social media accounts.

The reason why the tweet above sparked such a (boring) conversation on Twitter is due to the fact that again, it was the first tweet posted since February 11th and the previous tweets from AJ Brown’s account would indicate that he was hacked.

Exhibit A: Two Previous Tweets from AJ Brown’s Twitter Account Saying It Was Hacked

AJ Brown Twitter Account

Exhibit B: AJ Brown posts the following meme on his Instagram Story

AJ Brown Twitter Account

As of now, I find myself in the camp that believes AJ Brown is in fact, tweeting and he’s operating under the disguise of a hacked account from a fan in order to voice his opinion.

During Brown’s “media” blackout, he basically told reporters that he felt censored and was unable to voice his opinion because he would automatically be looked at as the enemy and one of the main reasons the Eagles locker room was rumored to be falling apart as the team did the same on the football field.

When I first saw the AJ Brown tweet above, I was pissed at him for even getting involved. I’m not one to shy away from sharing my opinion on pretty much anything, but given Brown’s past and this Eagles team in general being way too involved with meaningless arguments on social media, I really just wished he would stay out of it.

At the same time, Brown or the “hacker” controlling his Twitter account wasn’t even totally wrong to begin with. To be clear, every Philadelphia sports fan is very aware of the fact that sports talk radio is toxic and they will stop at nothing to drive engagement.

It would be very hard to find a fan that “believes the bs” from the national media or at times, the local media. Philadelphia sports fans are some of the most self-aware and intelligent people in sports fandom if you’re able to block out all of the extra “engagement farmers” on the internet.

As Brian Cass stated yesterday in his article about the tweet…

“Say it with your chest, AJ. It’s not like anything that’s been Tweeted by this so-called imposter has been that outlandish. Especially the Tweet up above; the majority of fans agree with that sentiment. For years, Eagles fans have been shitting on our local media. Seeing one of our own players agree with us on that will only endear them more to the city.”

94.1 WIP responds to AJ Brown’s alleged tweets…with Spike Eskin on the microphone

Yesterday, AJ Brown or whoever is running his account posted a video clip from 94.1 WIP with Spike Eskin going on a rant about the above tweets from his Twitter. The tweet has since been deleted but I managed to snag a video screen recording showing the tweet and Spike Eskin’s response.

The deleted “AJ Brown” response to 94.1 WIP, Spike Eskin video clip

Why the response was deleted? No clue. It’s either AJ Brown realizing that he’s feeding into the bullshit that 94.1 continues to talk about and post online and had no intention of calling into the station anyways or because it’s actually not AJ Brown and whoever the person it is responding on his Twitter account realized he wouldn’t be able to call in anywhere because he would be exposed.


As for the response itself. How in the world does anyone at 94.1 WIP allow Spike Eskin to be the guy doing this?

The Philly sports media, as indicated during AJ Brown’s “media blackout” during the Eagles’ season, is beyond soft. Brown is right by saying literally anyone can get on a microphone and state whatever they want about a professional athlete with little-to-no accountability, regardless of whether or not it’s true.

Spike Eskin isn’t exactly an Eagles fan. Hell, he created the Ricky podcast and really isn’t a Sixers fan either. His response was horrible and basically the same we get in every situation from a radio host or media member when a fan pushes back or god forbid, takes issue with what’s being said about them.

Auto-Responses Whenever The Media is Questioned:

“[Insert Athlete Name] should be thanking the media and fans for his success.”

“Without the media and fans, [Insert Athlete Name] is nothing.”

Blah blah blah. All bullshit. Then on top of that, it’s Spike Eskin delivering the message so of course, he makes it dramatic by mentioning his father while adding that every house AJ Brown has owned, his cars, jewelry, and whatever else is because of fans and the media.

I guess we’re ignoring that AJ Brown is a freak athlete and has gotten to the level that he has by dominating the sport of football, probably since birth and before two seasons ago, had a very successful career in Tennessee playing for the Titans? Got it.

The son of Howard Eskin is however, pretty solid at planning and executing content on the internet and like clockwork, the 94.1 WIP account was all over Brown’s alleged response to the Spike’s video, asking him to call into the show.

In the grand scheme of things, this entire thing between AJ Brown’s Twitter account, whether it’s him or someone who “hacked” his account vs 94.1 WIP is beyond stupid and the fact that this is what’s dominating the Philly sports world right now is embarrassing.

It’s embarrassing for 94.1 WIP, it’s embarrassing for AJ Brown, and it’s embarrassing for fans. I’m also embarrassed that I just wrote an entire article about this mess because it’s what everyone else wants to read about.

My Suggestion Moving Forward:

AJ Brown needs to stay off the internet. He needs to delete all of his social media accounts because he’s unable to handle the replies from trolls, fans, and the media. If he wants to engage with what’s posted on the internet, Brown needs to get the green light from Joel Embiid on how to properly handle his responses.

94.1 WIP has to stop creating content and narratives about our own professional athletes for engagement. They also need to stop “crying wolf” when they actually get a response that criticizes their work, whether it be a social media post, a news article, or a clip from one of their radio shows.

Maybe then we’ll finally find peace and the Philly sports world can move forward as an ultimate utopia of peace, love, and support for one another? That sounds beautiful but I wouldn’t count on it.

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unfiltered, opinionated, and certainly do not care if you like it or not.

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