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Dunphy Kicked out Yankee Stadium

WATCH: Kicked out of Yankee Stadium – Phans of Philly trip ends with Dunphy starting an ‘Eagles’ chant and being escorted out by police

The Philadelphia Phillies left Texas after getting swept by the Rangers and flew across country to New York City to open up a three-game series against the Yankees on Monday night

At the same time on Monday, Phans of Philly chartered seven busses to leave from the NovaCare Complex at 2PM with 300+ Phillies fans,  Marinucci’s hoagies, Philly soft pretzels, chips, Miller Lite, and bottled water, to head up to New York for the game that night.

Myself, Brian Cass, Luke Arcaini, and Ryan Conway joined Bus 7, which also included our friends from the City Pigeons Podcast and Dunphy. While the game itself was a huge dud, I promise you, there’s really nothing quite like Phans of Philly and what Joe and his team are able to do for Philadelphia sports fans.

It really is the definition of worry-free traveling.

Phans of Philly takes care of every little detail, making sure anyone who travels with them is completely taken care of from start to finish. Last October, we were down in Arizona for the Eagles-Cardinals game and also caught the Phillies’ Wild Card series, which coincidentally was also against the Cardinals. 

We entered yesterday a perfect 3-0 on trips with Phans of Philly but unfortunately, Taijuan Walker, in his Phillies’ debut couldn’t get the win and Philadelphia was handed an 8-1 loss to the Yankees. 

Oh, and this happened, so let’s talk about it. 

While the Phillies were getting their asses kicked, the Phillies fans in attendance with Phans of Philly in left field started an “EAGLES” chant in the crowd, led by none other than Dunphy. 

You can save your opinions on whether or not an “EAGLES” chant is appropriate for a baseball game.

I honestly don’t care either way.

Dunphy had the entire section behind left field chanting “E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES” inside Yankee Stadium, which was pretty cool to see. He then removed his shirt and moments later, security and NYPD surrounded him and told him to exit the stadium. 

That of course, didn’t even matter at the time because the Phillies were getting destroyed, but it was complete bullshit as Dunphy mentioned above. The left field section was loud for sure but it was completely innocent. No one was even acknowledging Yankees fans. It was just a bunch of “Phans of Philly” (see what I did there?) cheering for their city.

I was sitting down in the stands and just walked up to see if Dunphy was okay and what was going on. As I made my way up the stairs, a guy stopped me and told me to return to my seat. This guy was in street clothes so I really didn’t think anything of it and told him to sit back down and I was heading up there to see what was happening with my friend. 

When I got up the stairs, the guy then taps me on the shoulder and tells me that he was actually a cop and that he does work there, and that I need to now leave Yankee Stadium with Dunphy. 

Yikes. All of this because of an “E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES” chant? Seems a bit dramatic don’t ya think? 

Here’s the full unedited video of me and Dunphy getting kicked out of the stadium

Anyways, the trip was amazing and Phans of Philly crushed it as usual. The entire situation above was pretty innocent, but have a ton of people asking me about it in my DMs so I figured I would get a post up.

Phans of Philly trips are fun as hell. The Liberty Line crew and Dunphy are always having a good time and you should definitely join us on upcoming trips, whether that’s for the Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, or yes, even the Flyers.

Check out Phans of Philly here and bookmark it for the official Eagles schedule drop so you can figure out travel plans for next season.

A few last words from Dunphy and the fellas…

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