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Dairy Queen Clown

Dairy Queen Clown Attack: Western PA man stages surprise attack in the name of “President King” Trump

A western Pennsylvania man was arrested after putting on a rainbow clown wig and bringing a loaded gun into a Dairy Queen with the stated goal to “restore Trump to President King of the United States.”

The bizarre scene unfolded following a 911 call about an erratic driver. The alleged revolutionary clown, 61 year old Jan Stawovy of Hempfield, PA, was spotted entering the Route 66 Dairy Queen holding a gun and wearing a yellow safety vest to go with his clown wig. He was quickly apprehended without incident. Via WXPI News:

According to police, the man said he was “undercover” and that he was “working to restore Trump to President King of the United States.” He said he was armed to “Kill Democrats and liberals” and to protect himself from “drug traffickers.”

Stawovy was found to have additional unlicensed weapons and 62 rounds of ammunition in his car. It can be assumed this was part of his arsenal he was planning to use to take on the Deep State.

A quick check of Jan Stawovy’s facebook page reveals he has apparently been dressing like a clown and threatening people for at least a month. His church effectively banned him for his behavior and urged him to seek mental help after several outbursts during Sunday services.

MUST READ: Dairy Queen clown banned from church before incident!

The Dairy Queen Clown also seemed to be under the belief that cannabis is deadly.

This entire situation is starting to smell like a set up. This is a senior citizen being egged on to do more and more ridiculous stunts by some malevolent force. Think about it critically for a second. Jan Stawovy was planning on killing all democrats and reinstalling Trump by first dressing as a clown and saying crazy stuff in a church service, then by dressing as a clown and raiding a Dairy Queen with a bunch of loose ammo in his pockets?

Look, either we have a false flag on our hands and it’s just another opposition tactic to diminish anyone who even thinks about voting for Trump next election or the more likely, The Impractical Jokers have returned for a new season and are filming in Western Pennsylvania.

“Okay Jan, now tell them you brought the gun to the Dairy Queen because you want to make Trump the King again!”

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Mandatory Credit: WXPI

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